Sunday, April 24, 2011

[pieces] April 24, 2011

Ever feel like you're sitting there watching and someone else is living your life?

I was standing in my Sunday School classroom today, waiting for my girls to arrive and realized that I was feeling that way.

It seems like I'm in pieces. A piece here. A piece there.

Its Easter today.

And part of me is still in LaColline, singing "Christ Arose" with my husband as we drove back to the mission in the morning mist, watching the sun rise and remember the tiny baby girl that we had just delivered home with her smiling Mama and protective Daddy.

Part of me is sitting around my parents kitchen table laughing with family.

Part of me is watching the tiny little twins toddle around Mom and Dad's old house, finding eggs set out in plain sight.

Part of me is still fifteen singing "Was it a Morning like this?" with Brianna as we paraded around in our "Easter bonnets".

Yet through every piece there is a thread... the bright joy that flows and spills and swirls. That I have a Savior. One who died for me and then did something so amazing that it seems impossible. He conquered death. And now I can live.

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