Friday, May 21, 2010

Rushing Waters.

I know that I've said this before... but I love the sound of rushing waters. In any form really. The trickle of a creek. The rush of a stream. The gentle lap of a pond. The crash of a waterfall. The spray of an ocean wave.

The Bible says that God's voice sounds like rushing waters. (Rev. 1)

Today I went down by a stream to pick a big bouquet of Lily of the Valley for my dear friend, Delite. She is getting married in just a few short weeks. Time is flying! There was a point, not too very long ago, when we both lived in a little house by a stream. We would go out sometimes and sit and listen to the water together. After awhile we would turn to each other and share what God had been saying. It was a lovely time. A time of longing (we were single and longing for husbands) and a time of rejoicing (we were single and enjoying the freedoms!) and most of all, a time of ministry (our every-day existance was to minister to the children on our street).

And now, just four years later, we're both moving on to different places in life. What seemed like it could be forever, was in actuality, a few short months.

Lord, remind me often to enjoy the place that I am at. I loved that time in life but I don't think that I fully appreciated the gift you were giving me through it. I would never go back- I am fully content. But just the fact that I can not ever go back is a reminder that I need to be treasuring today.

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